Interaction Settings | Limits

Interaction Settings | Limits

To determine the daily quantity of messages and connections you'd like to send, start by adjusting the number in your Profile Settings.

If you prefer to establish a specific limit and forego our additional features, set your interaction settings in this section:

1. Navigate to the Dashboard.

2. Access Profile Settings, then proceed to the LinkedIn account limit, where you'll find the option to customize Interaction Settings.

3. Specify the daily number of connection requests you wish to send, with a maximum limit of 100. We advise against exceeding 100 connection requests per week, as it represents the weekly limit for LinkedIn connection requests.

4. Indicate the daily quantity of follow-up messages you intend to send, with a maximum limit of 100.

Click Apply to save the changes.

Once you've established the limits in the general profile settings, proceed to customize the limits in the campaign settings. The limits configured in the general profile settings must be distributed among all active campaigns in the campaign settings. Incorrect distribution may result in an error message indicating an exceedance of the limits. 

Be aware that although you can create multiple campaigns, the maximum daily limit for connections/messages is 100.

How do you adjust the limits for the builder campaign?

To adjust limits for the Builder Campaign, finalize the settings to activate it. In the provided screenshot, the daily limit for the first action of the campaign is set to 30 leads. For subsequent actions, you cannot customize limits in the campaign settings; the campaign will adhere to the limits established in the general profile settings under Builder Settings.

To locate the limits for Builder Campaign actions, navigate to Profile Settings, LinkedIn account limit section, and toggle the switch next to Builder Settings. This switch doesn't activate or deactivate builder limits; it expands the menu displaying limits specific to builder campaign actions. Once activated, you can customize the limits for these actions.

For further inquiries, please reach out to Customer Support.

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